Starting September 2, 2020, DUCS will observe Virtual Wednesdays.   Students who have chosen face-to-face instruction will attend in-person classes on Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  All students will attend classes virtually on Wednesdays.  Virtual Wednesdays will allow DUCS faculty and staff time to work with face-to-face students and Bulldog Virtual Students.  All students will receive their lessons through Google Classroom for students in 3rd through 12th grade and Seesaw Learning for students in kindergarten through 2nd grade.   Click here to view the full details about Virtual Wednesday.  

This is a regular day of school.  Indiana State Law (IC 20-30-2-3) establishes daily hours students should expect to spend completing their school work.  Elementary students should expect to spend five hours a day.  Junior and Senior High School students should expect to spend six hours per day (see IC 20-30-2-2).  

How will attendance be reported on Wednesdays?

Bulldog Virtual Program

Students enrolled in the Bulldog Virtual program will continue to document their attendance in accordance to the DUCS Re-Entry Plan.  Students will continue answering a daily question in Google Classroom, for grades 3-12, or Seesaw Learning, for kindergarten through grade 2,  to determine if they have logged on to the learning management system.  Students are expected to answer the question by 11:59 PM of the school day.

Face-to-Face Instruction

Students in grades kindergarten through 2nd grade should mark their daily attendance chart by 11:59 PM

Students in grades 3rd through 6th grade will answer a daily question posted in their class’ Google Classroom.  The daily question will determine their attendance for the school day.   The question must be answered by 11:59 PM to be counted present.

Junior and Senior High School students  will answer a daily question to determine whether they have logged into Google Classroom in their Bulldog 101 class.  The administration will post on the school calendar, which can be found on the school website, Facebook, and Instagram whether it is Black Day or Gold Day.  Students will answer the question in the respective Bulldog 101 class.  

Failure to answer the question by 11:59 PM may result in an absence for the day.  If students are unable to complete their Virtual Wednesday assignments due to an illness should contact the Attendance Office at

Virtual Class Meetings via Google Meet

Teachers will be available virtually for questions and help between 8 AM to 9 AM and 1 PM to 2 PM every Wednesdays.  To meet with your teacher,  click on the teacher’s name to be connected.




Mrs. Graniti, Kindergarten

Mrs. Manuel, Kindergarten

Ms. Lent, 1st Grade

Mrs. Morse, 1st Grade

Mrs. Alexander, 2nd Grade

Mrs. Snellenberger, 2nd Grade

Mrs. Jones, 3rd Grade

Mrs. Wells, 3rd Grade

Mrs. Kerns, 4th Grade

Mrs. Mason, 4th Grade

Mrs. Crooks, 5th Grade

Mrs. Hambrick, 5th Grade

Mrs. Field, 6th Grade

Mrs. Yeryar, 6th Grade

Mrs. C. Kinnett, RTI

Ms. McCammon, Special Education

Mrs. Wilkes, Special Education

Mrs. McKinney, Elementary School Counselor

Instructional Aides

Mrs. Boyd

Mrs. Collins

Mrs. Ellis

Mrs. Fifer

Mrs. Frazee

Mrs. Hall

Mrs. Martindale

Mrs. Shafford

Mrs. A. Smith

Junior/Senior High School

Mr. Atkinson, Social Studies

Ms. Barillas, Spanish

Mrs. Cecil, English

Mrs. Cox, English

Mrs. Drappo, Math/World Geography

Mrs. Fendley, Math

Mrs. Hathaway, Special Education

Mrs. Howard, Science/Computer Science

Mrs. Lane, Science

Mrs. McCombs, Math

Mr. McKinney, PE/Health

Mr. Nichols, Music

Mrs. Parr, Special Education

Ms. Petrowski, Social Studies/Yearbook

Mrs. Rash, Art

Mrs. Reynolds, Family & Consumer Sciences

Ms. T. Smith, English

Mrs. Spatta, Social Studies

Mrs. Wible, Business

Mrs. White, Science

Instructional Aides

Mrs. Astleford

Mrs. Compton

Mrs. Deschamp

Mrs. Starkey

Mrs. S. Smith

Mrs. Wright
